Course Exams & Diplomas


Diploma in Discipleship

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Diploma in the Deaconate

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Diploma in Ministry

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Optional Exams & Diplomas

For those of you who would like a reminder of your diligent studies of our courses, we offer optional exams to receive diplomas in two ways, free downloadable & printable electronic (PDF), and in-house printed for a small fee, both of which are suitable for framing.

Each course's exam will cover the breadth of the material, giving you opportunity to refresh your mind and be sure that you understood the fundamentals of each lesson.  The exams are open book, meaning you are allowed to reference the course material as you fill out the exam.

Notice: Our courses are not secularly accredited, and these diplomas do not give degrees. If you're applying to any schools that count non-accredited lessons toward their requirements, you're welcome to point them to our website so they can see what you've studied. But, for now, we do not issue anything like transcripts because we are not a secularly accredited school; rather we're simply providing teaching from the Word of God to help prepare you for Christian life!

Our primary option for taking an exam is directly online, which will give you immediate grading as well as show you which questions you marked incorrectly along with brief explanations and the relevant course page numbers.

We also have the exams available as PDFs, for printing, if you cannot take them online for some reason. Those will be manually graded by our dean and returned to you.

If you score a 70% or above on an exam, you will be eligible to receive a diploma.

Electronic Diplomas (PDF)

Electronic diplomas are automatically granted and generated when a student scores a passing grade on an exam.

These are issued free of charge and will be immediately available for viewing and/or download once the exam is graded with a passing score.  You will see a link to view/download diploma once you have scored a passing grade on that exam.

The file format will be a PDF, so you may save the file for your records and later viewing and/or print it yourself.  Almost all modern devices come with some program or app to view PDFs.  If you do not have one, you might consider a free option such as Foxit or Adobe Acrobat Reader (found via a simple web search).

In-House Printed Diplomas

Our printed diplomas are issued on a special parchment-style, 8.5x11" standard-size paper, and a goal foil seal stamped with our ministry's name and location is affixed on the lower left.  We will use only your full name (no titles or degrees).

PVI Diploma Example

We request a small fee of US$10 (US$15 for international addresses) simply to cover our costs of diploma printing & packing materials and postage.

Once the fee is received, your request will be added to our queue. Please allow up to 4-6 weeks for its issuance and mailing, depending on our ministry schedule, but we often are able to send them within a week or two.  Transit time can take anywhere from a couple of days to several weeks or months depending on where you live.

If you register for the next course right away, we will often wait for you to complete that course and its exam as well, sending the printed diplomas at the same time to save on postage/packing (unless you request them to be sent right away).