I am a Pastor who loves to preach God's word and have always been keen on speaking in tongues since I was baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1972.
I didn't really understand why I should or the benefits that there were from speaking in tongues until I read Dr. Joseph Kostelnik's book, called "Praying in the Spirit: The Missing Link," in 1986. This revolutionised my prayer life and greatly influenced my preaching. One of the main things I realised was that speaking in tongues illuminates us with revelation.
Since then I have never ceased to be amazed how God gives me anointed sermons after praying in the Spirit. I am not much of a book reader and mainly read the Bible yet I find that what God says to me is in line with what the
cutting edge Church is saying around the world. It has been praying in tongues that has led me into the 'Grace Message' which is so liberating.
Praise the Lord and thanks to Dr. Kostelnik's book, I highly recommend it.
Pastor Graeme Hotter
264 Pages | 6687 Downloads
Written: ©1981 by Joseph Kostelnik, Ph.D.
Last Published: ©2021
ISBN: 9798764898568
First written over 40 years ago, the author's first book and its teachings continue to change thousands of lives in all 50 states in America and in over 180 nations.
This seventh revised edition is the 40th anniversary of the book, and includes additions to nearly every chapter, as well as the recently added one:
The Early Church knew God and performed mighty exploits of faith.
Apostles as well as laypersons were able to work signs, wonders and miracles.
The Biblical revelations in this powerful book will revolutionize your Christian life and ministry.
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